There are eight things that I miss in this app:
In the iPhone version: The ability of click on a project with subprojects and initially see the bigger picture of all the tasks on all projects and subprojects if I just tap once and see only the tasks on the project that I select if I double tap (just like it is on the OS X version).
When I select multiple items I’d like to see the option “Copy/Paste” and “select all tasks in this project”.
Personal shortcuts for Labels and priorities just like it is on the Things app (for example: h key = Home label, 1 = priority 1 etc…
The option of changing the shortcuts, because I love to use the shortcut "command + arrow” to jump to the beginning or the end of a line when I am adding details like ‘1., ‘a., etc.. to the beginning of a task, every time that I do it the task is attached or detached to the other above, it should be easily solved giving the option of changing this shortcut to “control + arrow” for example.
More colors options to projects! I have a lot of projects and the option of adding colors to projects is just AMAZING because I finally am not getting lost on my projects and subprojects!!! but even though I miss more color options (like 30 or 40 options) to categorize all my bigger projects without repeating the other used colors.
The ability of seeing the “master task” of a subtask on the today or week view, I aways get lost when I see a task like “read the first chapter” without knowing to what book it belongs, some people read a lot of books at the same time and don’t want create new projects to dozens of books and pollute all the projects interface, see the “master task” next to the project of a sub task should be perfect in this situation
The ability of set what make my karma points grow or fall, because somethings didn’t follow my “mind set up” of what is or isn’t productive, for example: tasks 1 or 2 days overdid in my case isn’t good and my points should decrease for it (and not just for 4 days+ overdid), and it don’t stop there, please add more options of define PRECISELY every aspect that makes my points grow or fall, I’m sure that people will love it.
HABITS SECTION: todoledo and other apps have a section just for habits, and it implemented on todoist should be amazing! a weekly tracking system like on the “way of life” app with a daily journal marking X or V (tick) on daily goals should be perfect if integrated on a section in this app and associated with karma points
But, even though, this app is amazing, for the first time I can really feel my brain REALLY downloading everything that need be done on a system that truly understand how the brain works allowing subtasks, subprojects, colors, labels, color coded priorities, filters, weekly view and a beautiful interface that makes me for the first time know exactly what and why I am doing it. Thank you for reading my suggestions and make me more productive! I really hope to see my suggestions n the next version :) I am sure that people will love it!